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Electrical energy is a primary need at this time. In Indonesia itself, there are still several areas that still have problems with electricity supply. There is a need for innovation related to alternative energy to help overcome problems related to electrical energy. Pico hydro power plants are an alternative. The Piko Hydro Power Plant is a plant designed on a small scale and using hydropower. This research is about the design of a pico-hydro power plant, as well as strategies for seeking optimization of haversting and energy efficiency so that the energy produced from a pico-hydro power plant is more effective and maximizes its use, whether used for street lighting or other purposes. In this research, genetic algorithm solutions are used. A genetic algorithm is an optimization method that searches for a certain value of several parameters with the principle that only the best solution can survive and produce quality offspring. Where the genetic algorithm utilizes a natural selection process known as the evolutionary process. In the process of evolution, individuals continuously experience changes in their genes to adapt to their environment. The selection of the genetic algorithm in this research was deemed appropriate to adjust existing conditions. The pico hydro design uses a cross flow turbine. A cross-flow turbine is a small pressure turbine whose injection is tangential to the rotation of the channel about a horizontal axis. Therefore, research is interested in examining this matter, namely entitled "Pycohydro Design Strategy in seeking optimization of haversting and potential energy efficiency using genetic algorithms". The results of this research are from several data entered into the data processing software, namely the program is able to identify the calculation results of the parameter values entered and find out which data or calculations are efficient to use for the construction of pico hydro power plants. From the two data taken in different seasons, parameters were input, namely water discharge, height difference, turbine and generator along with the calculated values in these parameters. The results obtained were that data collection in the rainy season was more efficient because the water discharge was abundant and with sufficient irrigation flow, pico-hydro development could be carried out.